No pains No Gains

Posted on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 by Angel

No pains No Gains

It is true that only those who work hard get glory and success in the life. Nothing can be achieved without using any effort. All the great persons of the world had suffered a lot of pains then after they got succeed and they became popularized. Napoleon once said that, “God is on the side of the brave.”  He is true that the gods also appreciate those who work or labor hard. There are no royal roads to succeed. To achieve the succeed you have to work hard also you will get lots of suffers. A student can never come out with flying colors unless he has really worked hard throughout the year. A farmer cannot reap the rich harvest without putting in his upmost efforts while working in his fields. A lawyer cannot defend his clients if he doesn’t work hard at his law books. Business man also has to work hard to earn more profits and for that he had to use this brain and knowledge a lot. Scientists keep toiling continuously for years and only then they make a great inventions or new things. Hence, there are no gains in life without pains.

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No pains No Gains

No pains No Gains

It is true that only those who work hard get glory and success in the life. Nothing can be achieved without using any effort. All the great persons of the world had suffered a lot of pains then after they got succeed and they became popularized. Napoleon once said that, “God is on the side of the brave.”  He is true that the gods also appreciate those who work or labor hard. There are no royal roads to succeed. To achieve the succeed you have to work hard also you will get lots of suffers. A student can never come out with flying colors unless he has really worked hard throughout the year. A farmer cannot reap the rich harvest without putting in his upmost efforts while working in his fields. A lawyer cannot defend his clients if he doesn’t work hard at his law books. Business man also has to work hard to earn more profits and for that he had to use this brain and knowledge a lot. Scientists keep toiling continuously for years and only then they make a great inventions or new things. Hence, there are no gains in life without pains.


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