Did you know?

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 by Angel

    1.      Grass hopper has five eyes.
    2.      Rats can survive longer without water than camels.
    3.      Owl can eat up to 10 mice in a single meal.
    4.      Right handed people live nine years longer on an average that left handed people.
    5.      In English 141 is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value.
    6.      In New Zealand, there are 4 million peoples and 70 million sheep.
    7.      In Tokyo there are restaurant for dogs.
    8.      All polar bears are left handed.
    9.      Most human babies are born without teeth except Julius Caser, Napoleon Bonaparte and    King Richard III who were reputed to have laid a single tooth.
  10. Bamboo can grow 91 cm a day.
  11. It is impossible to sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.
  12. The nail on your middle finger grows fastest and of thumb grows the slowest.
  13. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  14. Human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap.
  15. Dolphins always keep one eyes open while sleeping.
  16. The horn of rhinoceros is made of hair.
  17. The height of elephant is twice the perimeter of its foot circle.

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Did you know?

    1.      Grass hopper has five eyes.
    2.      Rats can survive longer without water than camels.
    3.      Owl can eat up to 10 mice in a single meal.
    4.      Right handed people live nine years longer on an average that left handed people.
    5.      In English 141 is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value.
    6.      In New Zealand, there are 4 million peoples and 70 million sheep.
    7.      In Tokyo there are restaurant for dogs.
    8.      All polar bears are left handed.
    9.      Most human babies are born without teeth except Julius Caser, Napoleon Bonaparte and    King Richard III who were reputed to have laid a single tooth.
  10. Bamboo can grow 91 cm a day.
  11. It is impossible to sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.
  12. The nail on your middle finger grows fastest and of thumb grows the slowest.
  13. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  14. Human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap.
  15. Dolphins always keep one eyes open while sleeping.
  16. The horn of rhinoceros is made of hair.
  17. The height of elephant is twice the perimeter of its foot circle.


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